Nadine Metgenberg

Nadine Metgenberg

Event designer for exclusive weddings and funeral services

“Funerals are a bit like weddings. A should not sit next to B. What about the ex-partners? "

Ms. Metgenberg, many subliminal conflicts only really break out after someone dies. How do you deal with this as the organizer of the funeral?

It actually happens more often than you might think. There's a person gone who might have been a strong personality. That can mess up an entire family system. Enormous forces are often released. Sometimes there is a lot of steam in the boiler. As organizers, we therefore need a lot of sensitivity and diplomacy. Often, different sensitivities also have good reasons. There are fears and injuries. Then you have to listen, listen, listen in order to release the tension. It's more important than talking. Otherwise it's a bit like weddings. A should not sit next to B. What about the ex-partners? What does the mother of the dead want, what does the wife want? Who should I do justice to, the deceased or those present? Should it be a church ceremony or a secular one?

You can find the full interview with Nadine Metgenberg in our book:

To person

Nadine Metgenberg (born 1975) studied international management and then organized events for a global foundation in Spain and South America for several years. Today the event designer designs and plans events for high-end customers worldwide with her own company Fine Weddings and Fine Funerals in Hamburg,


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